Patrick’s Story Case Study

The situation

Patrick fell at home and broke his hip, after a stay in hospital and some rehabilitation he wanted to come home, but needed home care assistance.

Home Care Package

Patricks StorySocial services arranged for Complete Care Services to visit Patrick every morning to help him to get washed and dressed and assist him to make his breakfast. Patrick was keen to get back to full independence as soon as possible so each day his support worker practised walking the short distance from his kitchen to his living room. Patrick wanted his support worker to walk behind with his wheelchair in case he became unsteady.

His support worker also visited at lunch time, tea time and bed time. Gradually Patrick’s confidence grew and he was able to stand long enough to make a meal. After 6 weeks of home care Patrick was able to walk without any support and felt confident to make all his own meals, so he decided that the only services he needed from Complete Care Services was one hour per week to help him to have a shower and another two hours for cleaning and shopping. Patrick was very grateful to his support workers for helping him to get his confidence back!

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